Course Content

Naloxone Administration

Naloxone is an easy to administer medication which temporarily reverses an opioid overdose by blocking the opioid receptors in the brain.

Typically staff working with people at high-risk of opioid overdose attend this course as it enables them to intervene effectively with an overdosed casualty. These include hostel staff, homeless services staff, floating support staff and many more.

Naloxone – Training for Trainers

Naloxone is an easy to administer medication which temporarily reverses an opioid overdose by blocking the opioid receptors in the brain.

This is for staff working in Trusts and other organisations who have been asked by the PHA to train and supply Naloxone to others. After completion of the course you will be able to train others how to use Naloxone and make a supply to them.

Understand the use of Cocaine

Cocaine is a stimulant drug which is usually snorted, acting on the brain and central nervous system. It produces feelings of exhilaration and makes the user feel energised. Crack and freebase cocaine are not snorted but primarily smoked.

All types of cocaine can be prepared for injection if the user has the necessary equipment and knowledge. This course is to help those working in Harm Reduction Services, hostels, homeless services, outreach teams, Trust staff and more, to understand the use of cocaine/crack, its impact and how to work effectively with service users.

Working with People Who Inject Drugs (PWID)

This is a course for anyone who is working with people who inject drugs – Harm Reduction Services, hostels, homeless services, outreach teams and many others.

The course content includes a demonstration of the injecting process and risks involved, blood borne viruses, harm reduction practices in relation to injecting drugs and support agencies relevant to the client group.

Stimulants and Street Drugs

Use of these substances is a growing area of concern for those working within the low threshold, harm reduction sector therefore this session offers examination of current trends and themes resulting from the use of stimulants, easily accessible substances such as ketamine, diazepam etc., and polydrug use, and the impact of these on the client group.

Naloxone for Young People

Naloxone is an easy to administer medication which temporarily reverses an opioid overdose by blocking the opioid receptors in the brain.

This course is similar to the Naloxone Administration course but has a specific focus on the legal/ ethical considerations which apply specifically to young people.

Needle Exchange

This course is specifically for those that have been commissioned by the PHA to offer Needle and Syringe Exchange including the existing equipment available, guidance on sizing and the equipment included in each pack.

The importance of anonymity associated with data collection for NSES is also discussed.

Find a course

Download the booking form

Date 1/2 Day/Full Day Course Location Available places Notes
February 2023
Tuesday 7

2 x ½ day

9am - 12.30
1pm - 4.30

NICVA, 61 Duncairn
Gardens, Belfast
BT15 2GB
15 people

Open to everyone

NB: you only need to attend one session.
Please mark on your booking form which
session you want to attend.

Tuesday 28 1 day Needle Exchange Derry/ Londonderry
Holywell Trust, 10-14
Bishop Street,
Derry/L’Derry BT48 6PW
15 people Only those that are working in a Pharmacy providing Needle Exchange and authorised by the Public Health Agency
March 2023
Tuesday 7 1 day Working with
People Who Inject
Derry/ Londonderry
Holywell Trust, 10-14
Bishop Street,
Derry/L’Derry BT48 6PW
15 people Open to all those working with service users who inject drugs

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