

Extern attends the Alliance Party Conference

On March 2nd, Extern proudly participated in the Alliance Party Conference at the Stormont Hotel, underscoring our dedication to creating positive change within our communities and engaging with key stakeholders on critical issues.

A significant aspect of our involvement was the "New Beginnings" fringe event, which served as a platform for young people from the refugee community, especially those involved in our Refugee Barista Academy, to share their compelling stories and shed light on the challenges they encounter in rebuilding their lives.

The highlight of the day was witnessing the resilience and strength of these young refugees as they courageously narrated their lived experiences to attendees.

Extern staff meet with Kate Nichol MLA

 Through their poignant narratives and insightful discussions, they provided valuable perspectives on the obstacles they face and the support they need to flourish in their new environments.

The "New Beginnings" fringe event was both humbling and enlightening, reaffirming the significance of Extern's work and the vital role of community support in empowering individuals to thrive. We are immensely proud of our Barista Academy stars and remain committed to supporting them on their journeys.


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