This page has been set up in memory of Eugene, my twin brother. Eugene lost his battle with alcoholism. He always had a fear of becoming homeless. He regularly donated to charities supporting vulnerable people calling Tuesday 'Tuesday Charity Day'

There are many unseen people living among us who need our support. We can be blind to this or not in position to help. Extern sees these needs — and addresses the need. I cannot go out in our cities on a winter’s night to provide a friendly word, a hot meal and a warm coat ... but Extern can.

I am a great believer in the therapeutic nature of Art. I have recently retired and taken up painting as a hobby.
My Exhibition - Out and About- will be display and bought in Midtown Makers Ballymena for the month of March. It can also be displayed online at -
I intend to donate money from sale of my paintings to Extern: Help bring hope to people who are vulnerable and isolated.

Enjoy my painting - or just donate to the worthwhile work of Extern. Maria Hunter